How to register a bike or motor:

Do you have an original WR or WLDR [bike or motor cases]? Do you know OF one? Do you have any vintage race programs that indicate racer names along with the serial number of the bike they were running? PLEASE send us any and all the info you have!

If you would like to know more about who handles this regsitry and why it exists before submitting your bike, please click here.

- Motor serial number
- Current owner name or alias
- Country [and city or state if you wish]
- A picture of the serial numbers [and of the bike] if you can

- Known history rider name
- Known history rider racing #
- Known history rider city/state/country of origin

- Facts of interest [bike setup: TT Vs Flat track, condition: original or restored? Motor only? History facts?]

Please send your info to:



>>WR & WLDR Registry